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Bread and Puppet Posters
Tag # 000034

Bread & Puppet hand printed linocuts

My brother took me to see the Bread and Puppet Domestic Resurrection Circus one summer in Glover, Vermont. Each summer the Bread and Puppet theater used to Host an annual festival, and even though they announced the festival via word of mouth, each consecutive year that I went the crowds got larger and larger and larger.

The last Bread and Puppet festival took place in the summer of 1998. It was the last b/c many of the attendees were young Phish heads who thought that the Bread and Puppet festival was another dead show... and in 1998 one person died in a fist fight, and some asshole light a van on fire. So they canceled the festival for good. But they still run small programs all summer long so make sure you make a trip to the North East Kingdom of Vermont.

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.