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Casio SK-10 Sampling Keyboard
Tag #000129

When I was a Student at Hamilton College I took three video classes from Ella Gant, (one of coolest faculty in the art department, in fact she is one of the only members of the art faculty who uses a computer for more than e-mail.. She was very supportive of me and all of her students who are now at various art schools round the country....)

But the point is that she gave the best class assignment ever. (Video art instructors take note!!) Due to the fact that no matter how hard she tried to get us to do interesting work, we would always find a way to turn her video assignments in to some sort of music video... It must be frustrating to watch really bad music videos year after year.

So one of the first assignments in Video 2, was to make a "music video". The catch was that each student had to compose the music themselves, perform the song, and since the bulk of popular music takes the form of love songs, each song had to be a love song....

The other requirement is was that the music had to be composed on a cheap Casio keyboard... I created a song to Laurie Pensive, a character that Trey and I still fight over b/c we both believe that we made her up on our own. I based the song on the Laurie Pensive story that I wrote in my journal..

This keyboard might help you jump-start you music video career, it sure jump-started mine, and it has a 10 second sampler and mini sequencer It rocks...

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.