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Lauren's Gift
Tag # 000878

Lauren is my step sister, I have known her since she was three and I fed her so much spaghetti that she called me over to her highchair and proceeded the throw up all over me.

That of course was a long time ago. She now is a college freshman at a University in Canada. Why Canada? I ask that every waking moment. I have an unjustified fear of our neighbors to the north and I am afraid that they will indoctrinate my little sister. Next thing you know she'll be watching ABC nightly news and Beverly Hills 90210, not to mention be reading Margaret Atwood.

This fall she got the top grade on a test on Canadian Political Structure. She knows more about Canadian politics than Canadians.

If they let her cross the border she might be able to bid high and get her Christmas gift.

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.