"> Name: A replica of Michelangeloメs モDavidヤ placed by Florida store owners outside their business are pressured into wrapping a cloth around the Biblical figureメs waist

Date:  1995 - 2005

Location:  North America

SubjectNudity , Religious


image description
Artist: The Fountain and Falls shop owners and the storeメs manager Chuck Cole

Confronting Bodies: Residents in Polk County town; Polk County government officials

Date of Action: Polk County, Florida USA

Specific Location: 2001

Description of Artwork: The 500-pound, 5-foot concrete statue in question is a replica of Michelangeloメs great masterpiece, モDavidヤ. (Pictured above: a photograph of Michelangeloメs original モDavidヤ on permanent display at the Accademia dell'Arte del Disegno ("Academy of the Art of Design") in Florence, Italy).

Description of Incident: The replica of the anatomically correct masterpiece, considered one of the worldメs greatest treasures was put up outside the モFountain and Fallsヤ shop by the storeメs manager, Chuck Cole. The statue was placed in front of the business along a busy thoroughfare through the small town of Polk County, Florida. Residents in the town of 3,800 objected to the naked statue bringing their complaints to City Hall. モI didnメt even know it was art [ナ], to me, itメs just a naked man standing on the side of the roadヤ said Jeanne Johnson who was among those who complained to City Hall. The controversy prompted City Manager Jim Drumm to look into the cityメs code and statutes to see if the sculpture violated obscenity laws. Drumm said, モThereメs nothing legally we could do about it since we canメt regulate art, but the people were demanding that we do something [ナ]. As a matter of courtesy, we asked the store owners to put a cloth around the statueヤ.

Results of Incident: Ultimately, Chuck Cole, the store manager of Fountain and Falls, who put David outside the business, bowed to pressure and wrapped a cloth around the Biblical figureメs waste. Cole, did not like the request, but he obliged saying, モThis is a representation of a classic masterpiece. Itメs art, not obscenity.ヤ Poking fun at the incident, Cole said he intends to replace the plain white cloth with a leopard-print bandanna: モI figure if Iメm going to have to cover him, I might as well do it in style.ヤ

Source: Orlando Sentinel: Central Florida News archives: www.OrlandoSentinel.com

Submitted By: NCAC

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