"> Name: Suppression of Media in U.S. Occupied Iraq

Date:  1995 - 2005

Location:  Middle East and Caucasus

SubjectPolitical/Economic/Social Opinion , Religious , Racial/Ethnic

MediumTelevision , Electronic Media , Public Speech

Artist: Iraqi Media Network (IMN)

Confronting Bodies: L Paul Bremer III and the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), sponsored by the United States government

Date of Action: April 2003 and ongoing

Specific Location: U.S. occupied Iraq

Description of Artwork: Any information that is ethnic, religious, racial, or political in origin, or is "patently false," that may incite hatred toward the CPA or is considered by U.S. authorities to undermine the process toward self government in occupied Iraq.

Description of Incident: Since April 2003 the United States has been regulating content on the IMN, restricting speech that is considered to impede the United States rehabilitation of the war torn state. The CPA director, L Paul Bremer III, has become the principle decision-maker in regard to the network's content, and maintains the power to hire and fire IMN staff.

Results of Incident: Control of the IMN by the occupational forces, resulting in the denial of free expression in Iraqi media.

Source: Index on Censorship

Submitted By: NCAC

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