Name: Using internet for political purposes in China is illegal

Date:  1995 - 2005

Location:  Asia

SubjectPolitical/Economic/Social Opinion

MediumElectronic Media

Artist: Lin Hai

Confronting Bodies: Shanghai foreign affairs office officials

Date of Action: December 1998

Specific Location: Shanghai, China

Description of Artwork: Lin Hai is accused of using the internet to subvert the Chinese socialist system.

Description of Incident: Lin Hai was arrested in December, 1998, for supplying e-mail addresses to an overseas publication called "VIP Reference." Which enabled them to bypass China's censor. Lin Hai was charged with "subverting the socialist system."

Results of Incident: Lin Hai's trial was closed to the public. Chinese officials suggests that it "involves government internal affairs."

Source: Index on Censorship, 1/99

Submitted By: NCAC

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