Retrieved 36 cases for date '1900 - 1925'

The Secret Cabinet of Pompeian erotica

Naked Girl Falling Down the Stairs

"Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn"

Trotsky's "Report of the Siberian Delegation"

Censorship of Egyptian Cinema

Aldous Huxley's Novels

Nevinson Painting

Isadora Duncan, Dance Performance

James Joyce, "Ulysses"

Red Raids, Communist Fears

J. Stuart Blackton's The Battle Cry of Peace, W.W.I

Dr. Carl Muck conductor, Boston Symphony Orchestra

Mother Earth, anarchist publication

Theodore Dreiser's The Genius

D.W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation & NAACP

D.W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation & NAACP

Guillaume Apollinaire, French author, Les Onze Mille Verges

Sholom Asch, The God of Vengeance

Lithuania, Ausra and Varpas

Harley Granville Barker, British playwrite, Waste

Russian painter Robert Falk

Clyde Fitch's play Sapho

Modigliani nudes

Self-censorship by the New York Public Library

Controversy about teaching evolution and creationism in Public Schools

Capoeira: Brazilian martial art and dance

E.E Cummings' "The Enormous Room" tells of his censorship

Theodore Dreiser's books censored in United States

Drumming censored in Yorubaland, Nigeria

John Dryden's play "Amphitryon" censored

Sergeii Eisenstein, Russian Film Director, censored by Stalin

Clyde Fitch's play "Sapho" censored in the United States

Freie Voksbuhne (Free People's Theater)

Maksim Gor'kii Fights and is Overcome by Censorship

Tekle Hawariat's play, "Fabula," creates ban on dramatic performances in Ethiopia

James Joyce's "Ulysses"

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