Name: Cocaine Energy Drink

Date: 2006-present

Location: North America

SubjectPolitical/Economic/Social Opinion


Artist: James Thomas Kirby

Confronting Bodies: U.S. Food and Drug Administation, the NAACP, The Attorney General of Texas (Greg Abbott), The Attorney General of Connecticut (Ricjard Blumenthal), The Attorney General of Illinois (Lisa Madigan), The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, EBay, and many U.S. School Districts.

Date of Action: April and May 2007

Specific Location: Throughout the U.S.

Description of Artwork: Cocaine Energy Drink sports a red can that is 8.4 ounces. It has the word Cocaine on the front of the can written in a font that resembles chalk.

Description of Incident: The FDA raided our offices on Feb 14th, 2007. The FDA issued a warning letter to us April 4th, 2007.

Results of Incident: Fear the threat of civial fines and criminal jail time, we have changed the name of the drink until we can win the right to use the name from a Federal Court.

Source: Myself. I am the founder of the company and the inventor of the product.

Submitted By: James Thomas Kirby

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