Name: Autant-Lara, Le Diable au corps

Date: 1926 - 1950

Location: Europe

SubjectExplicit Sexuality


image description
Artist: Claude Autant-Lara

Confronting Bodies: Official censors

Date of Action: 1947

Specific Location: France

Description of Artwork: The film is an adaptation of Raymond Radiguet's novel. An affair between an adolescent and the young wife of a soldier fighting on the front. This carefree adultry was considered extremely shoking at the time. A quarter of a century later, Radiguet's novel was still perceived as scandulous.

Description of Incident: France was slowly overcoming a murderous war, its veterans were revered, the adultry of a soldier's wife was intolerable.

Results of Incident: The director was forced to cut 20 minutes out of the total length of the 2 hour film.

Source: Jacques Duquesne, Libre parcours

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