symbol vault

VAULT Adalbertstraße 9 10999 Berlin

To visit, make
an appointment.

© VAULT is a project space by Anna Mikkola and Hanna Nilsson.

Audio: Hanne Lippard

What are we aware of during most of our waking hours? 

Can more consciousness be brought to bear of our surrounding environment and the objects and light in it?

Can we learn to observe, see, and assimilate 
more information that is relevant, as well as influential to our beingness?

the presence and probing of light, revealing transformation of form and color 

illuminating the perceptual understanding and awareness of what one sees.

change scale, push color, uncover the movement of the light.

saturate moving wave-fields, information present at the time of capture, in space. 

make visible the invisible, the energetic of time,

constant change made still.

April Greiman — Seeing is a Way of Thinking. Thinking is a Way of Seeing.
Documentation by VAULT