symbol vault

VAULT Adalbertstraße 9 10999 Berlin

To visit, make
an appointment.

© VAULT is a project space by Anna Mikkola and Hanna Nilsson.

Audio: Hanne Lippard

You watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you watching me means more to me than you and me we used to be together everyday together always.

Kimmo Modig — me-time with you
Documentation by VAULT