
»Irreconcilable Differences #1« by Leonardogillesfleur.

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Enough Rope – wooden table, fruit copper, zinc, wires, motors and cutting tools. By Jo Coupe.


Tim Berresheim and Jonathan Meese are New Amerika.


Images of “Neighbourhood 1, 5 and 11″ by Luigi Archetti


“Sex Icon”, “Stallion” and “The Majestic Lodge” by Neil Rumming.


»Installation Shot« consists of two almost pitch black rooms, side by side. Two ‘participants’ are invited to wear a helmet each geared up with infrared ccd camera, transmitter and small monitor. Vision is switched between the two viewers in a minimal space only containing black board and mirror arranged in identical mirrored states. The initial effect is that of dissorientation followed by a convergence with the others perceptual space. By Derek Ogbourne.

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Participating in Andrea Zittel’s »High Desert Test Sites« Marie Lorenz made a Sauna by covering a rock with wicker and plastic.The steam inside the sauna came from pouring water over hot rocks. At night, the temperature in the desert drops significantly so the condensation covered the interior.


»Fascia«. The structure of the apparatus gradually takes control over the face, pulling and stretching the skin, eyelids and lips into controlled/mechanized grimaces.


»Public Sauna«. For Pia Lindman an artist born and raised in Finland, public sauna bathing is a significant part of her identity. In the United States, issues of nudity prevent an experience of a Finnish sauna event both socially and physically. To further negotiate this cultural disjunction, she designed and built »Public Sauna« in the court yard of P.S.1. and kept it open for the public to bathe. During the year of 2000, approximately one thousand visitors at P.S.1. used the sauna.

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»New York Times Performances«. Having collected images of mourners from the New York Times for one year, Pia Lindman took the bodily gestures of the mourners out of the news context and made drawings/diagrams. These images ranged from the aftermath of the World Trade Center, terrorist attacks in Israel, funerals of Palestinians, Chechnyans, to Russians. Using these drawings as her instructions she re-enacted the gestures in front of a video camera in her studio without revealing their original context. Later she moved into the public space and performed the re-enactments live. The locations have varied from Rachel Whiteread’s Holocaust Memorial on Judenplatz in Vienna, Battery Park New York, Mexico City…


“Rigid chair”, is about finding a new contemporary answer in the category of wooden chairs. A reinterpretation of the traditional wooden chairs in Austrian farmer houses, that were handmade by skilled craftsmann two centuries ago. By Peter Umgeher.


»The Burqa Project« by Jean Ulrick Désert.


“Confession” by Michel Bonvin.


»HUO Drawings«. In spring of 2003 Charles Gute had the privilege of proofreading Hans Ulrich Obrist’s Interviews: Volume 1. With an awareness of the author’s art world stature, paired with a name that seems to have a greater-than-average vulnerability to typographic inconsistency, these drawings were created as a kind of cathartic antidote.

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»Dutch Tape Funeral March (Marcia Funebre from Symphony No. 3, “Eroica”)«. The work consists of 13 rolls of duct tape initially placed at the top of the 16-foot-high gallery wall. On the day of the opening the rolls of tape were released so that they could “roll” down the wall under their own weight, a process that took over 8 hours to complete. As the tape reached mid-wall, viewers were able to see that there was a continuous strip of sheet music attached to the adhesive side of each roll. This sheet music was an actual transcription of the second movement of Beethoven’s Third Symphony, also known as the “Funeral March,” the linear length of which had been scaled to fit the 16-foot span from ceiling to floor. One of each of the 13 orchestral parts from the original score had been applied to each of the 13 rolls of tape, effecting a kind of super-slow automated performance of Beethoven’s somber work.


»Ant Climb Study #2« (video still) is a perceptual study of duration and movement. Here a live ant climbs the adhesive side of a length of masking tape. Appearing as an abstract mark, the ant’s progress is steady yet nearly imperceptable, akin to the movement of a minute hand on a clock. All projects by Charles Gute.


untitled sound objects by zimoun and pe lang.

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Video “Floating House” – A house adrift on the Atlantic Ocean gets pulled under by the force of the sea. By Paulette Phillips.

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“Reality” – Fence produced as an easily assembled flat-pack. Fitted together quickly at any desired location with the minimum of disturbance. Advert placed in Property sections of three Hampshire Newspapers. By David Cotterrell.


»Tiger Stealth« by Peter Sandbichler and Knowbotic Research is a re-engeneering and re-enactment of a stealthboat as shown in a Tamil Tiger propaganda video footage. The Tamil Tiger video footage was found on internet sites of private analysts of clandestine weapon systems. The boat, as supposedly financed by North Korea, shows the heroization of an attack boat patrolling river banks. The reconstructed boat was built using radar absorbing materials and powered by a simple electric motor. It succeeded in escaping radars as the stealth archetype.

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