
„My birds… trash…the future…,« (2004)


»Score for 7th Light« (2007)


»Free fonts« (2000-2005),

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»Now Promise Now Threat« (2004) by Paul Chan.


“Mock Protest, Communist Summer Camp”, “Nixon Monument” and “Connecticut Senate Floor” from the series “My Life in Politics” and

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photos “Hudson” and “Columbia College” from the series “My Audience” by Tim Davis.

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»Le Jardin Du Copyright«, 2002,


»Printemps / Hiver«, 2006 by Kristina Solomoukha.

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“The Natural Order Of Tact” (wood, oil, bootles, glue, artists books, flat-pack shelving, blu-tac, spray can, plastic, woolen blanket, static electricity, paper, cardboard) by Simon Denny.


»Stone and Stone« (2007) by Henrik Menné.

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On January 28th, 2008, Janez Janša, Janez Janša, and Janez Janša performed »Signature Event Context« at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, a walking action in the corridors of the Memorial. Each one of them, equipped with a GPS device, covered a different path within the Memorial’s structure this way, together assembling a common signature visible only in the internet. During the performance artists continuously repeated “Jaz sem Janez Janša, Jaz sem Janez Janša, Jaz sem Janez Janša…” (“My name is Janez Janša”). »Signature Event Context« at the Holocaust Memorial puts together 3 concepts (signature, event and context) from Derrida’s essay in complex relation; signature itself is an event which re-contextualizes the site of signature. The performance scheduled for the opening of TRANSMEDIALE.08 the 29th of January 2008 at 8.30 pm at the foyer of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, Germany, was conjunctively cancelled by the director of transmediale Stephen Kovats and the Guest-Curator Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez. Consequently, Janez Janša, Janez Janša and Janez Janša rescheduled the date of the action performing on January 28, 2008 at 00.01 am. Watch the performance.


“Inventory” by Carey Young. The artist was weighed on June 27 2007, the date on which this art work was commissioned. In consultation with two scientists, Dr. John Emsley (University of Cambridge) and Dr. Ilya Eigenbrot (Imperial College London), calculations were made as to the mass and current market value of each chemical element present in the artist’s body at the time of weighing. The total market value of these elements (expressed as a graphic on the wall) plus a print of the calculation data constitute the form of this piece. The calculated market value also represents the initial sale price of this piece.

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»Art for Arts Sake« (2007) by Alistair Mcclymont.

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“Public Square” by Mischa Kuball . Video .


“Anti-Radiation-Buffer” and


“Inwändig” by the architects-collective tat ort.

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»Airliner Open Studio«, 2006, installation by Geoffrey Farmer.


»The end of the five years plan«, 2004 by Ciprian Muresan.


More of the Same” loads copies of one sound sample, causing the system to produce different sounds. By LoVid.

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»Google Image Search«, 2003 -, is an ongoing project by Wolfgang Plöger where monothematical compendiums of books are made using the Google image search engine.


Kinetic installation “Cloud” by David Rokeby.

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»One Pixel Self Portrait, Selected« (2007) by Ilia Ovechkin.


» Diagram #5 «, 2001, by Therese Stowell.

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“An electric cupboard used as a temporary desk, version 1-4” from the series “Adaptation” by Sans façon.


»Falling A« and


»Starship« (video) by Bernard Gigounon.


Kinetic sculpture “Cloud” by Troika . Video.

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