Monument to the hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya,” 2006 from “Leningrad, Petrograd, Petersburg,” by Carlos Motta. “Leningrad, Petrograd, Petersburg,” is a photographic series that presents a journey through Leningrad (St. Petersburg), based on a 1954 government-published book of photographs of that city.

“Extended Mirror”, 2008 by Troels Sandegård.

“UHU”, 2007 by Fabian Marti.

“Centrefold”, 2006 by Rita Nowak.

“Print #4, Untitled (Buddy)” from “Untitled (Stories)“, 2008 by Gareth Long. A series of nine lenticular prints based on the four paperback novels of J.D. Salinger that use and manipulate the iconic but anonymous cover designs. Video.

“Wubbo Music”, 2007 by Oliver Payne & Nick Relph. De-tuned wind chimes.

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