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»Circuit No. 3 of a Regular Octahedron Type«, 2002


»Brain Waves Drawing«, 2006


»Stone-Arrangement Painting on the Board No. 3 of 35 Points by 35 Rows«, 1999 by Hideki Nakazawa.

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Different perspective views of the Matterhorn mountain from the »Geologie des Matterhorns 3D«, 2003, a cartographic work by Peter Staub.

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»AMO Atlas Worldwide«, 2002, is the visual representation of existing official data to show political, economical and social trends. By AMO.


»Imaginary Friends«, 2005 by Philippe Parreno.


»Airstrip One« (2007) shows official FAA airport diagram documents of 23 domestic airports that Hasan Elahi has slept in transit.


»Tracking Transience: Altitude« shows a collection of over 450 airline meals that Hasan Elahi has eaten between December 2002 and January 2007.


»MAP_0080«, 2004 by Deborah Ligorio.


“Soundtrack” – hammers on wall by Jose Damasceno.


»EMF Displacement« (2006) is a room sized sculpture of an electro-magnetic field realized for Locust Projects. The project consists of modeling the Electromagnetic field generated by the FPL substation adjacent to Locust projects. On view was a 10ft. X 12ft. sculpture placed on the floor. The field calculations were translated from computer model to physical dimensions, then built using the scale of the project room as a starting point. This way, the model was entirely site specific to LP, not only in subject but also in size and construction techniques. By Nick D Lobo.


»Best« (2006).


»Télévision Pour Internet« (2003). Both projects by Claude Closky.


»Portugal-Greece, Final Match 2004« taken from the series »Football Drawings« that show the ball movements during a soccer game as viewed from above.


»Bubbles Fragment Orange« (2006) by Susken Rosenthal.


»Acoustic Survival Kit« consists of many acoustic atoms. Properly connected each acoustic module gives subtle signals and pulses to the environment. The surrounding light triggers the sound of the module. Changing light conditions affect the quality and level of the emitted frequencies. Signals of grouped modules interfere amongst themselves and with the sounds of the environment. By creating these links, bridges between private and public are established. By Miki Yui.

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