“Construction Materials Dijon”, 2004 by Lara Almarcegui. Construction materials of the
exhibition room.

“Almost Every City in the World”, 2005 by Mike Bouchet. Book and video. A list of almost every city, town, village, or named living location in the world. The list has approximately 2,800,000 entries. The video displays the alphabetically listed names and has a total running time of over 500 hours. The book is a printed version of this list. It has over 30,000 pages.

»A Number of Things«, 2008 by Micah Lexier. A colouring book that presents some of the artist’s favourite conceptual artworks as well as some related objects having to do with counting and measurement. Designed to be accessible, it will be made available to Vancouver area public school children through presentations by the artist, introducing young audiences to idea-based contemporary visual art.