
»For Security« (2004) by Jordi Colomer.


»In Da Club, 50 Cent, #1 on the US charts March, 2003« by Hadley and Maxwell.


»Demonstration about Nothing« (2007) by NODE in collaboration with Kristjan Mändmaa and students from the Estonian Academy of Arts.

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“Lie detector” (camera,video system,glove,sensors,computer) – this performance measured the degree of sincerity of feelings expressed by participants (artists or visitors) about the works exhibited. Each response was analyzed by a system of sensors connected to a computer. A “beep” rang out if the participant was faking his opinion. By Olga Kisseleva.


“Fake Chalets” – swiss bunkers disguised as chalets. Photos by Christian Schwager.


The “Tantamounter 24/7” is like a huge xerox copy machine, only bigger, more complex and more clever. Gelitin


Fake Press Card by Oliver Musovik, used for free exhibition and museum visits.


La Déclaration.


Série Pornographie. By Edouard Levé.

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Balkan Erotic Epic is a multi-channel video installation based on Marina Abramovic’s research into Balkan folk culture and its use of the erotic. According to her, it is through eroticism that the human tries to make himself equal with the gods. People believed that in the erotic there was something superhuman that doesn’t come from them but from the gods. Obscene objects and male and female genitals have a very important function in the fertility and agricultural rites of Balkan peasants. They were used very explicitly for a variety of purposes. Women would show in the rituals openly their vaginas, bottoms, breasts and menstrual blood. Men would show openly in the rituals their bottoms and penises in acts of masturbation and ejaculation. Video excerpts: Men with Erections in National Costume, Women Massaging Breasts, Women in the Rain, Group of Men Copulating with the Earth.


Fought Bill Gates in Guigu, USA, in May.


Fought Annan in New York, USA in Feb. By Xu Zhen.


Somewhere on the 148th floor of the world trade center gelitin constructed a functioning load-bearing balcony.

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