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»Urban Manoeuvres«, 2000 by Robert Rumas.

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»Maloche-Metronom« (2002),

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»Peitschenlaternen, gebändigt« (2001) by Ursula Achternkamp.

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Paul Pfeiffer.


“Tree”, cut leaves by Rory Macbeth.

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Documentation of Namaiki’s Kinky Muff Land (2007), an exhibition on gardening and agriculture in the city.


»UNTITLED (NETWORK)«, 2007 performance with 4 laptops featuring Isabel Servan, Ana María Gutiérrez Domínguez, Javier Lobato López and Wojciech Kosma.


»VICTORY ␄«, 2007 performance with laptop and cable at Victory Square Metro Station in Minsk, Belarus. Both projects by Wojciech Kosma.

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» / 777.« (2006) is an intervention at the main train station in Zurich and »Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies« (2004) is a series of billboards, posters and banners published in Bratislava. Both projects by by Oliver Ressler.

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»Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year«, 2005. Maja Bajevic.


Mi Magazine Issue 04, “David Moises Issue” published in +rosebud.


“Rooftop Room” consists of a tin roof constructed on top of a privately owned flat-roof house in Kustepe, Istanbul.


“Permanently Unfinished House with Cell Phone Tree”. A cell tower is disguised as a tree. The house remains unfinished, so the owners can avoid paying taxes. Visual pollution and deregulation shape both the built and the natural environments. All Projects by Marjetica Potrc.

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“Untitled (Rainbow)”, “”Untitled (Tree Pants)”,

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“Untitled (Log with Model of the Universe)” and “Untitled (Unfinished Hand)” by Peter Coffin.


»Table Tennis Players«, 2005, at the ARTZONE in Kyoto by COUMA. A table-tennis table was placed in the center of the venue and the six members stayed at the venue for as long as possible, playing table tennis while completing the work. COUMA consist of six artists who continue to pursue individual careers. The members are: Takehiro Iikawa, Teppei Kaneuji, Yuki Kimura, Manpei Tsurubayashi, Ai Nakagawa and Hyougo Hofuku. They met through playing table tennis. Into their works they reduce the world that emerges when the heights of table tennis are reached.


True-to-scale model of his atelier – part of “Astronaut (be right back)” and


“The Shaft of Babel” by Hans Schabus.

“Reality Soundtrack” by Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec.


“Intercom” – intervention on loudspeaker of a tramway station in Vienna. By Leopold Kessler.


“Tool for armchair activists” – this machine can receive text messages and convert them into spoken words. By Troika in cooperation with Moritz Waldemeyer.


Copy Right (Photocopy 1-4) by Superflex.

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“C5 Casino” – a roulette wheel was marked on a shut-down fountain in the centre of a roundabout at Europa-Platz in Aachen. The roulette ball was replaced by a moped rider. The corresponding casino was situated in a high-rise flat overlooking the square. By C5.


»Escalator« (permanent marker on escalator, 2003) by Ulrich Vogl.


»Apparition: The Today Show, NBC, December 31, 2004« by Matthieu Laurette.

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