
»I Want to be Welcome Everywhere, Always«, 2008 – ongoing (ceremonial keys to various cities) by Jon Sasaki.


»371 Grand«, 2006 (Five cast alloy keys from Reena Spaulings Fine Art, New York made using the method of key duplication deployed by the F.B.I.) by Claire Fontaine.


“BG”, 2007 (set of keys necessary to get access into every room of the building),


“Coppice”, 2007 (various plants causing a detour within the building) by Mandla Reuter.


“The Visual Topography of a Generation Gap ( I, II, III)” by Daniel Bejar. This video installation consists of a set of keys and a video. Each set of keys began with an original key. A copy was made from each original key, then a copy was made from that copy. This process was repeated until the original keys information was destroyed, resulting in the topography of a generation.


»Sans titre«, 2007 (copy of keys made out of glass) by Taysir Batniji.