
»Fascia«. The structure of the apparatus gradually takes control over the face, pulling and stretching the skin, eyelids and lips into controlled/mechanized grimaces.


»Public Sauna«. For Pia Lindman an artist born and raised in Finland, public sauna bathing is a significant part of her identity. In the United States, issues of nudity prevent an experience of a Finnish sauna event both socially and physically. To further negotiate this cultural disjunction, she designed and built »Public Sauna« in the court yard of P.S.1. and kept it open for the public to bathe. During the year of 2000, approximately one thousand visitors at P.S.1. used the sauna.

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»New York Times Performances«. Having collected images of mourners from the New York Times for one year, Pia Lindman took the bodily gestures of the mourners out of the news context and made drawings/diagrams. These images ranged from the aftermath of the World Trade Center, terrorist attacks in Israel, funerals of Palestinians, Chechnyans, to Russians. Using these drawings as her instructions she re-enacted the gestures in front of a video camera in her studio without revealing their original context. Later she moved into the public space and performed the re-enactments live. The locations have varied from Rachel Whiteread’s Holocaust Memorial on Judenplatz in Vienna, Battery Park New York, Mexico City…


“A demand of composed of 140 pieces”, “Fear of 280 pieces” and “Difference composed of 1800 pieces for Error C-prints” by Gwon Osang.

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»Reverse Ready Made« and


»Boardroom« by Dana Hoey.

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“Tree hang one”, “Pinecone”, “Legline”, “Leap into the yard” and “Dirt roll one” by Keith Boadwee.

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“Tree” and “Shower” by Ryan McGinley.


»Selfportrait As An Artist On Vacation« and


»Lost (As Bas Jan Ader)« by Jason Lazarus.


Figures of Lust Furtively Encountered In The Nights” by Dean Sameshima.


“boys” and


“pyramid of animals” by Katarzyna Kozyra.


Art found in set decorations and backgrounds of porn movies. By Ray Beldner.


“Window” by Zhang Huan.


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Corrections 2, a videodocumentation of the artist’s circumcision. By Rassim aka Krassimir Krastev.

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Balkan Erotic Epic is a multi-channel video installation based on Marina Abramovic’s research into Balkan folk culture and its use of the erotic. According to her, it is through eroticism that the human tries to make himself equal with the gods. People believed that in the erotic there was something superhuman that doesn’t come from them but from the gods. Obscene objects and male and female genitals have a very important function in the fertility and agricultural rites of Balkan peasants. They were used very explicitly for a variety of purposes. Women would show in the rituals openly their vaginas, bottoms, breasts and menstrual blood. Men would show openly in the rituals their bottoms and penises in acts of masturbation and ejaculation. Video excerpts: Men with Erections in National Costume, Women Massaging Breasts, Women in the Rain, Group of Men Copulating with the Earth.


Of This Men Shall Know Nothing! performed at Thomas Goode Shop, 2005.


What If I Told Truth!, CellSpace Project, 2001. By Reza Aramesh.


Photos by Tom Huber.

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Assume Vivid Astro Focus.


“Gilles et Vincent” by Lauris Paulus.


Work in progress, The Woods, Self Portrait 1997 by Chloe Piene.


Krasińskiego 10/154 (from the series “Plan”) by Aneta Grzeszykowska & Jan Smaga.


Painting by Tracy Nakayama.


Photos by Scarlett Hooft Graafland.

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