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“My Sneakers” by Michael Blum. In August 1999, Michael Blum purchased a pair of Nike sneakers in Paris. Two years later, he travelled them back to where they came from – Indonesia, according to the label.

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The project »Full-Time«, 2006, is comprised of several parts: 1. An annual calendar listing all the public holidays day after day, throughout the world, giving the motive of celebration. 2. A presentation of 365 air tickets at the artists name, to go from place to place. 3. A cartography of the different possible routes. With this Delphine Rigaud plans to travel a route which enables her to be each day in a place where that day is a public holiday.


»Berlin – Paris – Berlin (Travel Agency)« from 1997 is based on the sale of travels as art objects (with lower tax than in normal travel agencies), made possible by selling the travels together with certificates. By Jens Haaning.


»Arm Wrestling Game System«, 1983. By Shiro Takahashi.


»My Journeys By Car«, 1971 – 2004. Photo documentation of Shiro Takahashi’s world journeys made by car.


Pascale Marthine Tayou

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