
»Vinyl«, 2006. The ice tray of a record by Lyota Yagi. Video.


Nadim Vardag.


»Forced to Speak with Others« by David Shrigley. LP limited edition of 500 vinyl copies. 14 tracks of spoken word stories and mutterings on subjects as diverse as Satan’s apocalyptic rock concert, giant hairy children, ludicrously clumsy fathers and an insect that desires to lay eggs inside someone’s brain.


Sportscar motor rotating at around 800 revolutions, reduced to 33 revolutions by a gearbox, playing records on a turntable mounted to the engine block.


Bicycle playing a 7 inch record mounted to the back wheel. Both projects by Alexander Laner. Further vinyl based projects: Helmut Smits and Jeroen Diepenmaat.


Stuffed birds play records by putting their beak into the groove.


»loop/loop« is a recordplayer that changes its pitch depending on the walking speed.


In the instalation »in honour of a new affair«, a needle is installed above each recordplayer that connects the vinyl with the large pieces of paper. The sound of the records are being transported to the paper and the paper makes it audible. The needle constantly changes its position, due to the wind. All three projects by Jeroen Diepenmaat.


Cloud (Tyvek, vinyl, electric fans).


Alto Cumulus (Tyvek, electric fans). By Max Streicher.


Cans” and


Sign painters enamel on cow, deer, and sheep hide; modified welded pig sculpture by Denny Rollins; NYC subway tokens, coins, and bells; modified Vestax pdx 2000 record players; modified Rane tm 56 dj mixer; brass horn; amplifier; analog vinyl record; speakers; acrylic discs; vacuum motor; hide glue; gourds; rubber tubing and rubberized cloth; brass, copper, and steel; bellows and springs; wood and paint cans. “Granny” (Drum Painting Project, Version 5.0) by David Ellis.

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