
»Vue des Alpes« is a project of a fictious hotel on the internet. The site where the hotel is being built has been developed and constructed on a PC pentium III with various 3D programmes since March 2000. By Monica Studer and Christoph Van den Berg.

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“Reenactment of Chris Burden’s Shoot” from the series “Synthetic Performance in Second Life” by Eva and Franco Mattes aka 0100101110101101.ORG. See also “Shoot” by Chris Burden.

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Different perspective views of the Matterhorn mountain from the »Geologie des Matterhorns 3D«, 2003, a cartographic work by Peter Staub.


»Cordilleras« (2007),


»Terra incógnita. Los polos en Google Earth.« (2006) by David Peña Lopera.

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»google earth/google images« is an ongoing project by Chris Lee.

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Video of the installation from the exhibition »The House of Osama bin Laden«, 2003, commissioned by the Trustees of the Imperial War Museum, London.


»The Mosque of al-Hakim«, 1995, by Ben Langlands & Nikki Bell.


»shadowman«, 1999-2002 by Maurice van Tellingen.


Video “Rapidmemory” by Henny van Nistelrooy. The video shows a complete representation of the artists old bedroom in scale. Again completely made with memory as a guide. Sometimes very accurate and sometimes less precise.


»Battles of Troy« (2004) is a study on the internal economy of contemporary globalized cinema production, through the eyes of the lowest unit in the production hierarchy – the extras. The focus of the study is the making of the Warner Bross Motion Picture »Troy« (2004). Starting in 2003 with a budget of 185 000 000 USD, Troy is one of the most expensive productions ever made. It interprets Homer’s Illiade. The project is based on the fact that 300 people from the core »specialised« group of stunds in »Troy« are Bulgarians. The warner Bross project, executed by the British branch of the company, shot in UK, Malta and Mexico suddenly appeared to be in need of an elite group of extras that not only possessed the physical prowess necessary to convincingly stage the battle scenes, but also had a believably Mediterranean look. The perfect soldiers were recruited from the Sports Academy in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.


»A Walk in the neighbourhoods« (2007). The source for the narrative of the movie is a collection of images (3D models) taken from properties-development companies and real-estate agents presentations. The projects are part of a rapid boom in properties-development that Bulgaria witnessed in the last years. Both Projects by Krassimir Terziev.

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»Self Portrait« and


»The Way«, 1994. A 3-D computer animation combined with live video. In this work the common system of the central perspactive is inverted. Instead of having the vanishing point at its usual place (on the horizon which represents endlessness),it has been moved to the closest possible position next to the viewpoint. Depicted are three runners followed by a camera down a foggy street in a small German village. By Tamás Waliczky & Anna Szepesi.

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LP-cover “Joy Division-Unknown Pleasures” (1979), “Unknown Pleasures” (Iris print, 2003), book-cover “Designed by Peter Saville” (2003), “Unknown Pleasure” (telegrey, chemical wood, polyurethane paint, 2003) and “Unknown Pleasure” (chemical wood, polyurethane paint, 2003) by Peter Saville.


“I could have taken an image blowen it up big and put bold type on it. But I choose not to.” Poster by Manuel Raeder.


Ai Weiwei

»i.Mirror« part 1, 2 and 3 by China Tracy/Cao Fei.


»On Stage« 2007, video installation, 4’53”, loop. By Collectif_Fact.


»Paysage Fantome – 3«,


»Laurent – 1« by Xavier Veilhan


»EMF Displacement« (2006) is a room sized sculpture of an electro-magnetic field realized for Locust Projects. The project consists of modeling the Electromagnetic field generated by the FPL substation adjacent to Locust projects. On view was a 10ft. X 12ft. sculpture placed on the floor. The field calculations were translated from computer model to physical dimensions, then built using the scale of the project room as a starting point. This way, the model was entirely site specific to LP, not only in subject but also in size and construction techniques. By Nick D Lobo.

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A still from »Self Portrait (abstract plain)«, 2006. The video is created by 3d scan data. Drawing on the historical cannon of self referential portraiture and still life painting, it is a study of material and surface. By Chris Cornish.

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»Wichita Lineman 1:3000 Scale«, 2001. The work derives from audio data of the 70′s country and western song “Witchita Lineman” (listen) by Glen Cambell. The landscape was generated from contour maps created from computer modelling data of the original song file. Computer audio visualisation processing software was employed to reconstruct the song using a series of 2D and 3D computer generated models from which the final version was modeled in clay and cast in glass-reinforced plastic. The geology of the landscape is a direct copy of the computer model created from the the song data and gets its characteristics from the XYZ axis of time-frequency-volume. By Calum Stirling.


“M.J.C.(module de jeux compact)”, “Ping-pong pipe”, “J.O.” and “Console”
from the ping-pong table series;



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“Le plus long ballon du monde” and “Un point c’est tout” by Laurent Perbos.

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