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“Stella” and “Untitled” (helium balloon) by Ann Veronica Janssens.


“Nest One” by Simon Husslein.


»Composicion 5 2005«,


»Composicion 6 2005« by Jose Manuel Ballester.

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Paintings by Jayne County.


“IMan Prototypes”, 2001 by Ricky Swallow.


»Horses Running Endlessly« 1995, by Gabriel Orozco.

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»Legacy« (2005) is a 21-foot-long rainbow made of cast street sweepings that emerges from a planter on MetroTech Commons in Brooklyn. The rainbow’s seven bands range in tone from brown to gray, and are flecked with color. They are cast from actual debris collected on seven consecutive days by the city’s street sweeping machines: dirt, grit, gravel, gum wrappers, bottle caps, socks, plastic combs, and whatever other litter the sweeper picked up during the course of a day. There is a small bronze beard that appears to be crawling out of the hole in the ground where the rainbow emerges. By Corin Hewitt.


“Colour Study of Group Behaviour and the Need to Control” by Alon Levin.

»Computer art has not been found out yet. Let us find it out for ourselves.«

From THE MANIFESTO OF COMPUTER ART by Tamás Waliczky, Budapest, 15 January 1989.

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»Color Study«,2002 by Tamás Waliczky.


»Two Keystoned Projectors (one upside down)« (2007) and


»Panasonic TH42PV60 Plasma Screen Burn« (2007) by Cory Arcangel at Galerie Guy Bärtschi.


Stainless Steel Counter (10 of 9999).


House and 50 television sets all tuned to the same channel.


Private Conversations with Public Statuary. By Kelly Mark.


»Square Millimeter of Opportunity: Cars«. An hour of video footage was dissected into individual cars and reordered by color. By Luke Lamborn.


»Cars sorted by colour« from 2004 by Helmut Smits.


On August 31, 1994 from 6am to noon, at Southwestern College’s parking lots (San Diego), a team of 50 professional and volunteer parking attendants directed the arriving cars to predetermined lots according to car color. Each of the fourteen lots was filled with cars of a different color: dark blue, blue, light metallic blue, silver & gray, black, beige, brown, metallic raspberry, yellow, electric blue, white, aqua, green and red. By Nina Katchadourian, Steven Matheson and Mark Tribe.


About 20,000 books were rearranged by their color in one night by Chris Cobb.


Installation by Matthew Haigh. See also Jacob Dahlgren.


Super Natural (Wallpaper showing the office located behind the gallery wall) by Nils Nova.


Waitress, Godfather, Swimmer, Agent and Cop. Works by Boo Ritson.

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