
“Where Evil Comes up Slowly Like a Flower” by Ben Beaudoin.

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Worky by Bill Culbert.


“The Abandoned Resting Zone of an Assistant Saint” by Herwig Weiser.


“Shiny Balls Mirror” (921 hexagonal black-anodized aluminum tube extrusion,921 chrome-plated plastic balls,819 motors,control electronics,video camera,computer) by Daniel Rozin. Video.

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“1,5l PET water bottle transformed to a 0,5l bottle and filled with local tap water from Berlin”, “Ikea DIY”,

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“Coca Cola Condensation Cube” (refers to Hans Haacke) and “Closed Biosphere” by Tue Greenfort.


»Stygian Eye« comprises a clear plastic ball, a compact disc and an LCD screen taken from a handheld TV. As the viewer approaches the object and peers into the ball, video showing an animation of a scientific study of a flying horse glows from the below screen. By Andrew Cooke and C505.


“Flying Ships” and


“Ringing Cups” by Matthias Deumlich.

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Vegetable Cutlery and Make/Shift, a shelving system that expands and contracts to fill different size gaps. By Peter Marigold.

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Placebos, D.I.Y. overshue with instructionsheet, stickersheet and frame by Eelko Moorer.

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Juicy Phallus is a product to allow the single designer to fuck the iconic celebrity of Starck.
By Caroline Noordijk and Kyla Elliott.


Plastic surgery documentation by Jenny Nordquist.

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