
The B.Boys decline“, 2008 by Olivier Cazin.


»Quatenary Fields/Associative Diagram«, 1998 by Sam Durant.


“Acid Brass” by Jeremy Deller. A Brass Band playing Acid House anthems. Video.

Bild 7.png

»relational domain« (2007) by Bianco-Valente.


Dymaxion map of the Earth” by Buckminster Fuller.


»PPS (P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Public Sculpture)«, 2002 originates spontaneously in urban environments: on streets, in courtyards, next to apartment towers, by garden fences, in apartment-block communities and neighborhoods. It originates as the result of the exchange and gift economies of the local population and is linked to the micro-economy and micro-ecology of relationships. It directly reflects economic wealth/poverty, personal taste, and creativity. PPS is a temporary form. It changes constantly through unloading, shifting, adding, removing, and so on. By Tadej Pogacar.


»The Pump of Anxiety« and »Misery and Happiness« taken from Rev. Luke Murphy’s »PowerPoint Art, Graphs and Relations: The Anxiety Graphs«. The graphs present a picture of unification and provide a home for free-floating anxiety by joining thought and feeling along sets of reputedly indisputable axes.


Ben Fry’s Valence is a set of software sketches about building representations that explore the structures and relationships inside very large sets of information.