»Constellation 2000«, 2003 by Thomas Demand.


»Doppelpilzuhr«, 2010 by Carsten Höller.

»The Sound of Gender X&Y« is a computer generated audio feed of live Internet data from the National Institute of Health’s sequence of the Human Genome. By Diane Ludin & Marius Shebella.


»CloudHouse«, 2005 by Nina Yankowitz. Cloud formations are made with an ultra high frequency sound wave generator that produces fine droplets of cold mist.

On the Origin of Species: The Preservation of Favoured Traces“, 2009 by Ben Fry.

Silent Barrage“, 2008-2009 by Philip Gamblen, Guy Ben-Ary, Peter Gee, Nathan Scott and Brett Murray in collaboration with Steve Potter, Douglas Swehla and Stephen Bobic.

“Autoinducer_Ph-1″, 2006, exploits a traditional rice cultivation technique from SE Asia. In the installation this process is reworked in an overly complexified, industrial, laboratory style way. By Andy Gracie, hostprods.


“Der Zermesser”, 2007 (Video) and


Wavesynth 2.0, 2007 by Leo Peschta.


A sound piece monitoring the live magnetic field of the house and drawings from the “Magnetic” series by Justin Bennett.

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Installation views “Regulated Fool’s Milk Meadow”, 2007 by Phoebe Washburn.


»Traces«, 2007. The Traces series is a number of 14 photographs that document the numerous traces of cosmic and terrestrial radiation, which ionize the gaseous ethanol steam inside a cloud chamber.


»334 m/s«,2007, is a room installation, which is meant to visualize the speed of sound (c = λ ⋅ ƒ), which is about 334 m/s. Two translucent tubes are filled with propane gas, which is set on fire to cause a chain reaction. A flame is burning from one side to the other, slowly accelerating to the point where it hits the end of the tube. Due to the ratio of the gas-oxygene mix the flame there causes a rapid explosion, which can be heard as a sonic boom. By Carsten Nikolai.


»Exposure«, (2001) by Marie Sester.


»Magic Eye«, 2002, by Rory Macbeth.


“Morphotheque #13″ – objects transformed by etching and galvanization – by driessens&verstappen.

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“Lie detector” (camera,video system,glove,sensors,computer) – this performance measured the degree of sincerity of feelings expressed by participants (artists or visitors) about the works exhibited. Each response was analyzed by a system of sensors connected to a computer. A “beep” rang out if the participant was faking his opinion. By Olga Kisseleva.


»The Pump of Anxiety« and »Misery and Happiness« taken from Rev. Luke Murphy’s »PowerPoint Art, Graphs and Relations: The Anxiety Graphs«. The graphs present a picture of unification and provide a home for free-floating anxiety by joining thought and feeling along sets of reputedly indisputable axes.


Darth Vader tries to clean the Black Sea with Brita Filter.


»Learn How to Fly over a Very Large Larry«. Daniel Bozhkov created a 300-by-250-foot likeness of Larry King using a 3-by-6-foot piece of quarter-inch plywood to flatten the mixture of timothy and milkweed growing in an isolated field in central Maine.


Yogurt reinforced with human DNA. All three projects by Daniel Bozhkov.


Ceramic Sphere, Human Hair, Cables, High Voltage Generator. “Tension Thing” by Judith Fegerl. Video.