»The little fellow stone«, 2006 by Sophie Bueno-Boutellier.

»LA VOIE (STONEHENGE 4A+)«, 2006 by Jeremie Gindre

»Shoes for departure«, 1991 by Marina Abramović.

“Sans Titre”, 2008 by Daniel Dewar & Grégory Gicquel.


“Lily”, 2007 (paper, sand, soil, stone, plastic, electronic circuit and gold) by Agathe Snow.

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»A Forest«, 2004, a pine tree growing inside a functioning computer. By Juneau Projects.


»Berliner Bordsteinjuwelen«, 2007, cut and polished found stones. By Alicja Kwade .


»THE VESTIGE« (rock salt), 2005 by Motoi Yamamoto.


»Stone and Stone« (2007) by Henrik Menné.

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“You said you would always be there” and “The New Atlantis” by John Isaacs.

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Participating in Andrea Zittel’s »High Desert Test Sites« Marie Lorenz made a Sauna by covering a rock with wicker and plastic.The steam inside the sauna came from pouring water over hot rocks. At night, the temperature in the desert drops significantly so the condensation covered the interior.

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