Category Ar! Chives: Games

A “10 years of experimental work” retrospective: does being a gamer automatically mean toxic fandom, and can anything be done to break away from that?

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I was asked recently if I wanted to give a talk. That prompted me to map out reactions to “Everything is going to be OK“, as compared to an older project of mine. I was curious about how much exactly changed in regards to both negative and positive reactions work like this receives. Does the […]

5 Flames!!

Cyberpet Graveyard (out now!)

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My little treat-myself-project is done! I’m excited to share this with the world. You can download it from… GameJolt: Itch: Cyberpet Graveyard features a little over 41 programs. That does not include html pages, or all the other things to find and look at and be amused by… Basically it’s a collection of […]

1 Flame!

Virtual pets and digital toys…

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I’ve been talking about this a bit on Twitter. I’m making a collection of virtual pets. The project is called “Cyberpet Graveyard”. This is under development and will be released eventually. The premise is that sometime during the early 00’s there was a critical malfunction at the cyberpet factory. The meltdown led to the miss-creation […]

Flame this shit

the “hold in there” mentality, post E3… some thoughts about indie and mainstream culture

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It’s been an interesting episode of mainstream games culture this year. It also reminded me how much I value itch… and GameJolt… and Glitch City… and ok, that could be a long list… I had the opportunity to showcase “Everything is going to be OK” at the MIX. I keep realizing how important it is […]

Flame this shit

Missing Pages added to “Everything is going to be OK” (personal writing & fever dream OS)

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I just published the final update to “Everything is going to be OK” and, with that, this interactive zine is now completely done. This update features a lot of personal writing, and a strange fever dream OS for you to explore. There’s a lot to get lost in. You can play it on… or […]

1 Flame!

After GDC and “keeping it up” (how people view/treat work made by women and what we can hopefully change)

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Before GDC I was feeling incredibly ground down after all the aggression “Everything is going to be OK” was generating at me. I was at a point where I wasn’t too sure if keeping this up even mattered. After seeing everyone come by and voice how much “Everything is going to be OK” meant to […]

4 Flames!!

I’ll be at GDC! (Speaking and Showcasing) – small update post

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So there are exciting things happening. First of all, I’m going to be at GDC. Yay! Since “Everything is going to be OK” has been nominated for the Nuovo award, I’ll be showcasing most of the time in the IGF pavilion. If you want to check out “Everything is going to be OK”, or just […]

1 Flame!

Development update for “Everything is going to be OK”

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So, wow a lot has happened since my last post. The time between the end of last year, and beginning of this one has been pretty crazy. Now that things are somewhat calm I’m taking the time to write an update. Yay! To start with the best news… “Everything is going to be OK” is […]

4 Flames!!

moving past destructive cycles, and modes of thought, about different game experiences

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Over this weekend James from Seemingly Pointless contacted me saying he’ll reference some of my writing in a piece that he was writing about “You Must be 18 or Older to Enter” being banned from Steam. As you can imagine I was pretty pissed when I heard this news. At the same time I was […]

Flame this shit

“Everything is going to be OK” development update: personal essays about hope, new pages coming, and some thoughts

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First, to start with some positive news! IGN has nominated “Everything is going to be OK” for the Best of 2017 under the most innovative category! Vote for it! (or your other favorite innovative game) This is tremendous and I so hope some of this (in whatever small amount) sets a stage for how other […]

Flame this shit

If “games are art”: challenging the toxicity of gamer culture and preconceptions of what a game is

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If you have been following me on Twitter then you may have noticed my tweet thread here explaining that “If games are art then we have to embrace the idea that they don’t have to be fun. Art is not always fun. It covers a wide spectrum of emotions, and concepts.” That’s the opening tweet, […]

6 Flames!!

observations about my “Day of the Devs” article & thoughts after harassment over a post that’s about harassment

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Earlier last week VentureBeat / GameBeat reached out to me and asked if they could re-publish my Day of the Devs article. In it I described my experience showcasing the game at Day of the Devs, and the douchey behavior from the crowd. The article was titled “YouTube culture is turning kids against art games”. […]

12 Flames!!

being brave, framing trauma, personal experiences in games, and announcing the next installment of “Everything is going to be OK”

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After this year’s Fantastic Arcade I came away from the event with a lot of clarity. There is something special about not being in a setting that focuses on press, business, exposure, audience reception, and the other things that can distract you from why you make art. It’s easy to forget and get caught up […]

16 Flames!!

my post “Day of the Devs” observations about how people view/treat art games and their creators

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“Everything is going to be OK” was included in Double Fine’s Day of the Devs. Yay! This is probably the first time, outside of E3, that this game was shown to a more “gamer” crowd. By that I mean, much more consumer based. People without knowledge of art games or the discourse around them. Basically […]

21 Flames!!

“Everything is going to be OK” officially released! (final thoughts)

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“Everything is going to be OK” is now officially released. The entire project, complete, and ready to be played as originally intended. You can download it on GameJolt: And from First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their support. Each of you that has bought the game has made […]

2 Flames!!

“Everything is going to be OK” wins the Interaction Award at IndieCade & some thoughts after showcasing it…

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I’m writing this super exhausted after just returning from IndieCade (so apologies for the bad grammar) :) I was showcasing “Everything is going to be OK” as a nominee. The game won the Interaction Award! It really caught me off guard because it was the first award that they announced, and also because I didn’t […]

Flame this shit

“Everything is going to be OK” and more observations about art games

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I’ve been meaning to write another post about “Everything is going to be OK” for a while now. A lot has happened since my last update. The game was accepted into IndieCade as a finalist! Which is pretty amazing. I’ve also given an interview about it on It’s a good one, and covers all […]

3 Flames!!

The Hurricane Relief Bundle (on

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I have something small to announce, and if you are up for it please spread the word (or retweet this). Loren Schmidt just assembled and released the Hurricane Relief Bundle. It is a bundle intended to help areas affected by the recent hurricanes. 100% of proceeds go to relief organizations. It features a TON of […]

Flame this shit

My games & future plans…

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This is a follow up to my previous post, as I’ve had some time to think about what this means for my work and what I can do next. After receiving word from the teams at Adobe, and hearing the upcoming things planed for the platform, I’m left with hope and enthusiasm. I’m confident that […]

Flame this shit

“Everything is going to be OK” early access observations & some philosophy (about art games)

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So… “Everything is going to be OK” has been released as early access for a while now. This game has been both hugely liberating to make, but also difficult. The emotional fallout has hit me pretty hard today. I usually don’t post about stuff like this, but because this is a personal game, I feel […]

7 Flames!!
