
Surfaceaction” by Neal Beggs.


Video “Hockey” by Annika Larsson.


»expedition-bus and shaman-travel« (Double Video-Projection on the Windscreen of a mirrored Campervan), 2002 is a project researching the parallels between ethnography and shamanism using scientific film-footage from the 50s and 60s.


»Divining Rod Testfield (Scheunenversuch)«, 2003 is a reenactment of a scientific experiment to evaluate the phenomenon of water divination. In the lower floor of a shed of about 20m of length, pipes were installed in such a way that their positions could be altered. through those pipes different quantities of water was pumped. one floor above, the test persons were to estimate the positions of the pipes through water divination. The supervisor of the experiment did not know the exact position of the pipes during the experiments nor did the test persons. the probability of the experiment being a result of pure chance was clearly below 0,5. In a series of further tests with 43 water diviners, 10 person were found to show significant to highly significant test results. The probability to get similar results without assuming a sensitivity of the water diviners, was arround 1500:1 against chance.


»Marathon«, 2003. By Christoph Keller.

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Paul Pfeiffer.

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“Teleklettergarten” – The facade of the art university in Linz was converted into a climing wall with oversized keyboard keys and buttons as a input interface for a computer. The visitors who participated in Teleklettergarten passed through a trainee programm and where trained as software developers. Through physical commitment the climbers and the programmers collaboratively inputed code into an oversized programming environment. In a week-long performance the collaborators programmed codes, scripts and tools and demonstrated various software functions. A collaboration between Bitnik and the group FOK.


“M.J.C.(module de jeux compact)”, “Ping-pong pipe”, “J.O.” and “Console”
from the ping-pong table series;



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“Le plus long ballon du monde” and “Un point c’est tout” by Laurent Perbos.


»Portugal-Greece, Final Match 2004« taken from the series »Football Drawings« that show the ball movements during a soccer game as viewed from above.


»Bubbles Fragment Orange« (2006) by Susken Rosenthal.


“Members” by Roland Iselin.


The Landscape of Lower League Football by Hans van der Meer.


Porn photoseries.



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Private Collection (various stolen objects from private galleries for contemporary art). By Anetta Mona Chisa and Lucia Tkacova.


Making Changes video.


On March 20th, 2003, Lee Walton began a round of golf at Lincoln Park Golf Course of San Francisco. Taking only “one shot a day“, Lee finished the round over 5 months later.


The FIFA Football World Cup 2006 in ASCII by Michael Aschauer and Stefan Brunner.


Sport photography by James Deavin.

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