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George's Cheeseburger with Sara Langworthy
Tag # 000045

George's Buffet has the best cheeseburger in all of Iowa. A George's Cheeseburger with "everything on it" comes simply wrapped in white waxed paper, filled with chopped onion, mustard, ketchup, and garlic salt, all for $2.75. Add a $1.25 old style draught, and this is the best priced date in all of America.

Sara Langworthy and I often meet eachother for a burger and a beer a George's. The only other bar worth going to in Iowa City is the Foxhead, and Sara hates that bar because everytime she goes there she has to reintroduce herself to the same 12 people. How they could forget her I'm not sure. . I personally prefer George's too, but the Foxhead does have the $1 PBR which can't be beat when you're living on a graduate school budget...

Here is your chance to enjoy two of the best reasons to live in Iowa City, Sara Langworthty and the George's Cheeseburger.

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.